Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Addison's first road trip

This past weekend, Addison got to go on her first road trip to Madison. She did really well, including the short stop at Edinburgh, at the outlet stores. Nana sat in the back with her the entire time to keep her company. This is after Nana spent all of last week with me, while Brian had to go back to work. I don't think Addison or myself would have made it through last week without Nana! She made mom get some sleep while she stayed up with Crabby Addie a couple of nights and even helped with Addison's first bath in her tub! What a Godsend Nana was to Mommy Megan's sanity!!!
While in Madison, Addison got to meet her Aunt Suzi, Uncle Andy, and Cousin Kylee, and Great-Grandma Granny. She definitely has a place in Great Granny's heart, because Great Granny couldn't stop looking at her and kept making special trips over to the bassinet before she left! She even made a special trip on Sunday to see her before we left, which is a lot for Great Gran!
Miss Addison liked Madison so much, we're going back this Thursday to see everyone again and maybe even meet a few more!

Thursday, September 18, 2008

1 week of parenthood

So, we've had Miss Addison for a full week now! Where does the time go? She is already starting to pick her head up and when laying on Daddy's chest, tends to turn it from left to right and then crash it down. She's a HUGE sleeper! Which is good at night, but I have already developed the habit of waking up every hour or so to make sure she's still breathing! This is definitely the hardest thing I have ever taken on, but it is so worth her silly smiles after eating (she's probably just passing gas) and seeing those big blue/gray eyes everyday.

We had our first check up today and she has gained 9 oz since we came home from the hospital! She may sleep hard like her Daddy, but she got her weight gaining gene from Mommy! Good news for Mommy is that I don't have to constantly try to wake her up every 2-3 hours to eat! She can go 4-5 now and wake up hungry instead of falling asleep while trying to eat. Good news if we can get her to be sleeping those 4-5 hours when it's nice and dark outside!

This first week also brought her first bath. I was scared she would hate it, but she actually didn't seem to mind. It went by pretty uneventful, but Daddy got some awesome pictures from it.

FYI to all breastfeeding moms out there: Don't believe what you read about babies going through 6-10 diapers a day! I think Addison is averaging 13-15!!! She has a habit of filling one right after we snap the last button on her onesie! It happens to Daddy most of the time, but it has occured with me more than once. You just have to laugh...I mean, what else can you do?

Sunday, September 14, 2008

She's Here!!!

Well....as I predicted, Addison decided to come when SHE was ready, although she did her best to hold out until Sept. 11th, she didn't quite make it. Things started bright and early Tuesday morning and ended Wednesday night at 10:35 p.m. with Addison arriving in dramatic style. She was 8lbs 10oz, 22 in. long. How she was folded up in there, I will never know! I was thinking all along she wouldn't have much hair, if any at all, and she came out with lots of dark brown hair! She is thriving and healthy and already has Daddy wrapped around her finger. ;)
I've added pictures for your viewing (and my bragging) pleasure.

You can check out more pictures @: http://picasaweb.google.com/Timm.Megan/AddisonLane#

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

The Date Is Set

If all goes according to plan (which we all know never does) Miss Addison Lane will make her presence known some time on Sept. 11th. I will be induced at 39 weeks to the day, all beginning @ 6a.m. This means Addison and I will share the same birthday unless two things happen. 1) She decides to come when she wants to and I go into labor before Sept. 11 or 2) Labor takes quite a while and I give birth on Friday, Sept. 12. Not sure how long labor will last by being induced and can't say I'm all that excited about it, but I am anxious to meet this little one that seems to keep me up most early mornings with her 20 minute bouts of hiccups! So, Brian and I get one more week of "normal" life before our lives change forever. Am I really capable of being a mom and being responsible for another human being? Guess we'll find out in a week!

Back to the Doctor

I was told all test results that came back on Friday were normal and that I wasn't toxic, "yet." Now, I'm not sure if that means that my levels were on the high end of the normal range, but the nurse threw in the word "yet" when telling me to keep my feet elevated and make sure to drink plenty of fluids.
So, after having an entire week off from work, I head back to the doctor today to be "re-evaluated." What this means, entirely, I'm not sure. After staying off my feet for the past week or so and drinking plenty of fluids (water and Crystal Light to be specific), my feet are returning to semi-normal. You can actually make out the bones in my ankles and on the tops of my feet! As long as I'm sitting down, that is. It's almost automoatic that as soon as I stand up, gravity pulls every bit of fluid down to my poor feet and they are engorged with fluid yet again. We'll see what the doc has to say about all this later this afternoon.