Saturday, January 24, 2009

New Meaning

Addison officially gives new meaning to the phrase "Open mouth, insert foot" or should I say toes, instead??

Saturday, January 17, 2009

Ready for the Game

Addison is ready to sit with Daddy today and watch the Butler Bulldogs on ESPN! She says she's not sure yet which position she'll play for the Lady Bulldogs... point guard or forward....
Until she makes her decision, we'll just wear our Puma warm-up and look cool. :) If only Butler could be pink and navy instead of white and navy.

First attempt...

This morning, Addison was a pretty chipper 4 month old, so we decided to give the cereal a try. As you can see from the facial expressions, Bug wasn't too sure about the whole cereal thing. I think we may wait a little longer until trying it again. ;)

Friday, January 16, 2009

Weighing in.....

Weighing in at 15lbs, 6oz and a mere 26 1/4 inches long is Addison!! We had our 4 month check up this morning and luckily since school was cancelled because of this excellent weather, I got to tag along with Addison and Daddy to the doctor. Dr. Gill said Miss Addison was just perfect. She's in the 98th percentile for height and 86th percentile for weight. Everything is looking good. We can start rice cereal once a day for 7-10 days and then start some tasty solids after that, she said!
Addison also had her second round of immunization shots. She received one shot in each leg and an oral dose of something. The nurse warned us that the shots do burn going in and Addison got to show off what a set of lungs she has! The shocker among the shots was while she was wailing away, mommy noticed two little white spots on her bottom gum line. Having the nurse double check, yep...we have two little teeth. The haven't broken the surface just yet, but you can definitely make them out! The nurse asked if she'd been running a low grade fever, had a runny nose, or been fussier than normal, but our answer to all these was "Nope!" She said we were definitely lucky so far, then!
At 26in, we better be checking the length on most of our 6 month clothes!! :)

Saturday, January 10, 2009

Fabulous Four!

Addison is 4 months old today!! I can hardly believe it. She has grown and changed so much in such a short amount of time. She is starting to mimic sounds that Brian and I make at her and it's so funny to watch. She loves to smile and squeal at anyone.

As of Jan. 5th, I returned to the classroom and Addison is now going to the sitter. She's making so many new friends there that play peek-a-boo with her and even make "play"food for her and sit it on her exersaucer. She comes home everyday exhausted and Brian and I have to wake her up so we can spend time with her!

I guess Addison wanted to make her 4 month day special and exciting. I woke up this morning at 3:30, and decided to check the monitor to see how Addison was sleeping. I must not have been completely awake because when I looked at the monitor, I couldn't make out Addison's head and freaked that she had covered herself with a blanket! I raced into her room, scared to death and found her with her feet where her head usually is and her head down at the bottom. Surprise and shocker to me, she was sound asleep on her belly while sucking her thumb! Granted, she's been rolling over onto her belly for quite sometime, but had yet to roll over while sleeping. This must now be her new favorite position because after feeding her and placing her back in her crib, she immediately rolled back onto her belly. Today, for nap time...same thing. What can I say, the girl knows what she likes! :)