Thursday, October 30, 2008

Battle of the Bottle

Ok, ok, I know all lactation experts say NOT to introduce a bottle before 4 weeks, but since Addison never had any problems latching on, she started taking a bottle of breast milk occasionally at 2 or 3 wks and she did just fine - didn't mind the bottle and didn't seem to notice any difference. See referenced of 6 wks old, Addison HATED the bottle. I mean she would start screaming as soon as we started to put a bib on her, like she knew what was coming. I'm sure I read every article possible on the internet and in all the books I have how to give your nursing child a bottle. Poor Brian was at his wits end. Addison would scream, choke, turn her head...she wanted nothing to do with it at all. I could see me having to quit my job (this brought on tears of happiness), just so my child would eat. I didn't want to have the child who wouldn't take a bottle and screamed at the babysitter's all day. So, we've been working on taking a bottle for almost a week now. We've bought new nipples, a different type of bottle, and tried all different positions for her to take a bottle.

I am happy to report that as of yesterday, at exactly 7 wks old, Miss Crabby Addie took 2 bottles, each without screaming or complaining until you took the bottle away to burp her. Rounds 1-10 may have gone to Addison, but Mom-mom and Da-da won the battle! For that day....
Now we'll see how well she does this weekend at Nana and Pop's house. One of them can try giving her the bottle... Keep your fingers crossed!

Oh, did I mention she hates any type of pacifier, aka binky, now too? Only if she's extremely tired will she even take one...and that lasts for maybe 2 minutes!

As you can see, she didn't have any problem with taking one before, same as the bottle. This child is a piece of work...(kind of like her mother)!

Monday, October 20, 2008

Makes waking up worth it!

Week 5 has brought me the best present yet! Addison likes to wake up around 8ish in the morning. This morning was no different, except for when I told her "Hi" and "Good Morning" I was greeted not with a stinky diaper, but a huge grin! And not just one, she did it multiple times because I kept saying "Hi!" :) What a wonderful thing to wake up to in the morning!!

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

One Month Down; Many More To Go!

Addison had her one month checkup and is doing splendidly! She has gained 2 pounds since birth, weighing in at 10lbs, 11oz! She has also grown 1/4 of an inch to stand a tall 22 1/4 in long! It's hard to believe it's already been one month (well, 5 weeks as of Wednesday, Oct. 15). Many late night feedings and many a howls from Addison have added up to one month.
She is starting to sleep a little longer through the night. As of Sunday, she slept 7 hours and Monday she slept a 5 hour stretch. She's beginning to hold her head up high for longer than a few seconds and she makes the funniest faces. Brian and I are still waiting for that real "genuine" smile, which from what I have read, should be coming fairly soon. She loves to smile in her sleep (who knows what's she's thinking about) and you can even make out a small dimple when she smiles really big. She's beginning to coo and talk to herself, although her favorite place to do this is when she's on her changing table. Maybe she's pep talking herself into making that one great poo.... She still loves to sleep on daddy's chest which I don't see changing anytime soon! :)

We can't wait to see what week 5 will bring!

Monday, October 6, 2008

Just a few pictures recently taken of Addison. She's a natural in front of the camera! (If you click on the picture, it will enlarge in another window).
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