Monday, December 22, 2008

Season's Greetings!

Since having a 3 month old doesn't leave a lot of spare time on our hands, Brian and I didn't get a chance to send out Christmas cards, considering I didn't have Addison's picture taken until last week. So, we figured we'd share on here! Hope everyone has a fantastic holiday season!

Rollin' rollin' rollin'

Addison has been rolling onto her side for a few weeks, but as I said before, always got stuck. Last night, we were getting ready for a bath and she finally got the kickstand out of the way! :) For you're viewing pleasure, we've attached her lastest milestone...please ignore her lack of clothing! Enjoy!

Monday, December 15, 2008

Can't we share?

Bella has been doing an amazing job with Addison. Most of the time, she just stays away from her. Brian and I have found out the hard way that we can't leave any bottles or binkys laying around the house because we'll find them in many, many pieces when we get home. Bella just loves chewing them up. She's already gotten ahold of 3.
While at Nana and Pop's this weekend, Addison was playing in her pack and play and I caught Bella sneaking a peak at the binky inside the bassinet with Addison. If only I knew her exact thoughts....

3 months already!

Last week, Addison officially turned 3 months old. Hard to believe how fast those 3 months have flown by. She has grown and changed so much in those few, short months and Brian and I are loving every minute of it. Here are a some things that really stand out...
1. Addison loves to hear herself scream. (We just started this today on our activity mat). She's not upset, she screams, looks over at me, and then smiles.
2. She's almost rolled over on her belly. She kicks her legs up in the air together and rolls them over. Usually to the left side. Unfortunately, her left arm/hand is usually somewhat in her mouth and acts like a kickstand and won't allow her to roll all the way over. :)
3. She's loves laying on the bed and bouncing! She just cackles away the entire time.
4. She officially has a bumbo seat and loves talking to and chewing on her moo-cow and Mr. Ducky.
Whoa, did moo-cow just talk back?

Monday, December 1, 2008

Winter Attire...

Since the weather is getting quite chilly, Nana got Addison a new hat and gloves from Carter's (among many new 3-6 month outfits). Addison got to try out her new winter attire when Nana and Mommy took her to get donuts one Saturday morning! She looked pretty stinkin' cute...

Growing by leaps and bounds...

Addison and I got to spend 10 whole days in mommy's hometown of Madison with Nana and Pop. During the 10 days there, Addison really grew and changed. She now LOVES her little activity mat and can grab the monkey and the parrot...but I always caught her babbling to the polka dotted giraffe. It started with just hitting at the parrot, but soon I saw her grabbing the monkey's tail and trying to bring it to her mouth! She loved playing on it so much, she would fall asleep in mid-play. :)

Mommy also realized that Miss Addison gets grouchy after she's been awake for 2-2 1/2 hours, so mommy watched the clock and made sure Addie-bug got a nap every 2 1/2 hours or so after eating. This made for a very HAPPY baby the whole time we were in Madison!

She's also started sleeping through most of the night...and I'm sure I'm jinxing myself by typing it out right now, but the past 5 nights or so, she has slept from around 9:30 to 6:30 or so the next morning! I actually caught myself drooling for the first time in 11 weeks!!

Addison is also fascinated with her hands, especially the thumb! Now every time we hear sucking, she has her thumb in her mouth and she's getting really good and hitting the mark most of the time. She still hasn't gotten the idea to close the rest of her fist, so she pokes herself in the eyes a lot!