Sunday, April 12, 2009

Here Kitty Kitty

Addison loved Nana and Pop's new flooring in a room of their house. She loved the fact that her voice and sounds echoed off the floor, so she LOVED being in that room. But, what really caught her eye was Tabby the Tank outside the glass doors. It was fun to watch her reaction to the cat, since she's never really seen one.

"Mommy, do you see that furry thing out there?

"Hey, where'd it go??"

"Ok, there you are!"

7 months, already!

On Friday, Addison turned 7 months old. Hard to believe that it's already been 7 months. So much has changed in our lives and we are so blessed to have such a happy, healthy baby girl! She is changing and growing so much each day. As I said in an earlier post, she is crawling everywhere! No where is off limits for our little explorer. We headed to Madison for the Easter weekend and her favorite spot at Nana and Pop's was a pile of 3 big pillows. This is also where she decided to try to pull herself up to a standing position. Now, realize that a pile of overstuffed pillows is probably NOT the most stable thing to pull yourself up into a standing postion. Thanks to Nana who both supported the pillows AND kept a hand behind Miss Addison's back while she pulled herself up. But the look on her face (or should I say the size of her mouth being wide open when she realized what she had done) was worth the worry!
Addison also started mimicing most of what she hears so it's time mommy and daddy start watching their language! Last week, Addison's word of choice was Da-Da. Much to the heartbreak of Mommy, it was fun to watch Brian's chest swell with pride as she'd crawl around the house, saying da-da-da-da-da. I thought Brian was proud, but Addison also started making the /p/ sound over the weekend. With this new sound, she mimiced mommy saying "Pop." I've never seen my own dad move so fast as he did when Addison said "pop." :) Now, we're not naive and know she has no idea what these words mean, but it's still fun to say something and watch her try to repeat.
For Easter Sunday, we all piled into the 4Runner and headed out to Clifty for Easter lunch. There were a number of people there and I will boast and say it was fun showing Addie-bug off. She was a big hit with all! We had a great time seeing family and friends and eating delicious food! The disappointing part was the realization that our camera had a dead battery, just as Daddy was getting ready to take an awesome picture of Pop and Addison with the river in the background. Oh well, we'll have to make a return trip to Clifty when everything is really green! Enjoy the pictures of Addison exploring her teacup exersaucer at Nana's. We wish we had more pictures to show you how cute she looked on Sunday, but dead batteries don't take good pictures!

Sunday, April 5, 2009

It got worse before it got better...

The good news is she's so much better today! Our little Addie-bug is back to normal, despite her horrendous sleeping patterns lately. The hives are gone. Not a single little red spot on her body to remind us of the last couple days. Though she wore her hives well and was still just as pretty, mommy and daddy are happy to have their precious, clear-skinned child back. Here are a few pictures historically note her allergic reaction to the dreaded penicillin. Side note-if you thought the last entry looked bad with hives, you ain't seen nothin' yet!

I just like her face in this picture! ;)

Like I said, today brought back our beautiful little girl, personality and all. Here are a few pics we took this morning.

I will get to that laptop...

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Little of this...Little of that

So sorry for the space in posting. We've been busy trying to get Addie-bug well! For the past month, she has been on 3 different antibiotics (as of today, 4, but we'll get to that later) all for an ear infection we can't seem to shake. It started out in her right ear and eventually wound up in both for a great double ear infection. I officially hate all antibiotics for what they do to her bottom!!! If they get the ear cleared up somewhat, we have to deal with nasty diaper rashes that come along with the meds. It is the most frustrating thing and she's only 6 months old!
But, ear infections aren't all we're dealing with these days. Miss Bug is crawling!!! :) She's been doing it for a little over a week now and each day she gets stronger and stronger. I caught her the other day going full steam toward the fireplace! Needless to say, Brian and I are WAY behind on baby-proofing our house. Oops!
She's also got a new trick...she makes a fishy face and it's her favorite thing to do!

So, yesterday, I noticed Addison was breaking out in hives around her wrists and elbows. By evening, she had them on her thighs and belly, too. This morning, when we woke up, she was covered. Time to call the doc! We went in and discovered she was having a reaction to a drug. Low and behold, she is allergic to penicillin! Poor thing has angry, red splotches all over her. She is taking benadryl to get rid of those and we had to get our 4th antibiotic that isn't penicillin based to deal with the still there ear infection. It's tough being a six month old!