Tuesday, September 1, 2009

An Early Birthday Present

Even though there are still a few days until Addie-bug's birthday, Nana and Pop went ahead and ordered her present. They had decided to get her a plastic outdoor house since she loves the one at Becky's and I had one when I was small and I LOVED it! So, on Sunday, Addison and Daddy put together her house while Mommy tried to keep her away from the drill. Here are some pics of Addison and Daddy working on the house together.

Working together to get the house done.
The finished product.
Calling my Nana and Pop to tell them thanks....

Can't you see I'm on the phone right now?

Needless to say, it's been hard to keep Addison inside when she knows her house is out there! She's loving it and it finally gives Mommy and Daddy a reason to sit outside! Thank goodness the weather has been so gorgeous!


Nana abd Pop said...

The only thing better would have been a "movie" of the building the house!

Megan said...

Always wanting more than I give, Jeanine.... :)

TheTimmTamClan said...

I can't believe she's already a year!

Nicole Abernathy said...

it's so cute!!! LOVE IT! I can't believe how much she looks like Brian in that last picture. I think i've seen the same expression on his face a few times!