Sunday, December 27, 2009

Christmas Time

I'm back!!!
After many months and many apologies from me, I'm finally updating! Addison has grown and changed so much since my last post. She's talking up a storm, repeating everything said. Her favorite show is "Prep and Landing" and she asks for it multiple times a day, saying "ep an aning, ep an aning." She's so serious when she asks for it that Brian and I make her ask more then once. :) She also loves playing with stickies and when she does something "good" or "nice" she quotes "Now I get a sticky.... now I get a sticky." She's just growing up so fast and becoming more of a child and less of a baby. :( We're also having to do time-out with Bug, which is another hilarious adventure. I wish I could capture the look on her face when she has to go sit in time out until she's ready to say sorry or "shwarry" in Bug talk.
Watching Prep and Landing

Christmas was a good time this year with Addison. She still doesn't get that there's usually a toy wrapped inside and she seems more concerned with throwing the "tash" (trash) away after each little piece is ripped off. She got lots of goodies from everyone and we're still trying to find places for all of it! She likes Mommy's new pots and pans!

On another note, Brian and I still haven't decided on Addison's baby brother's name. We just can't seem to agree on one, but we're working on it. I am 26 weeks and having a pretty smooth pregnancy. Addison doesn't understand why she can't bounce on mommy's belly anymore, so poor daddy gets bounced on a lot.


Barry said...

Yay for Prep and most recent "best Christmas show".
(Of course it's the best when I can watch it with Addison.)

Regan and The Boys said...

I can't believe how big she is getting! Prep and Landing is a favorite in our house as well!! Hope you had a Merry Christmas.